
For pdfs please see my profile at Researchgate or contact me.



Submitted Manuscripts


Ganzhorn, J.U., [...], Dammhahn, M. et al. (under review) Facilitated forest restoration by pioneer seed dispersers in Madagascar: the example of Microcebus spp.


Richter, H., Caspers, B., Dammhahn, M. & Kaiser, S. (under review) Animal research revisited – why studying animal behaviour is different.


Wlodarz, M.M., Wuntke, B. & Dammhahn, M. (in review) What makes a prime nesting site? Breeding habitat choice and prey-species preferences in barn owls in Eastern Germany.


Ross, J., Fröhlich, S., Müller, K., Dammhahn, M. & Voelcker-Rehage, C. (under review) Reaping the hormonal rewards: investigating the role of sex hormones and cognitive performance in healthy older adults.


Kuper, N., [...], Dammhahn, M. et al. (under review) Linked Lives: Towards an interdisciplinary approach to individuality in social behaviour.


Berry, P., Dammhahn, M., Hauptfleisch, M., Hering, R. & Blaum, N. (under review) Navigating environmental stressors: behavioural patterns of African Antelope in drylands.


Rimbach, R., Heinze, K., Poorthuis, L., Petit, J. & Dammhahn, M. (under review) City life does not change a small mammal community composition.



Peer-Reviewed Publications



Erixon, F., Eccard, J.A., Hunecke, R. & Dammhahn, M. (2024) A behavioral syndrome of competitiveness in a non-social rodent. Behavioural Ecoogy and Sociobiology 78:98.


Berry, P., Dammhahn, M., Hauptfleisch, M., Hering, R, Kraus, A., Jansen, J. & Blaum, N. (2024) African dryland antelope alter behaviour-specific time allocation and energy expenditure in response to heat in a changing climate. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11455.


Pohle, J., Singer, J., Eccard J.A., Dammhahn, M. & Schlägel, U. (2024) How to account for behavioural states in step-selection analysis: a model comparison. PeerJ 12: e16509.


Schüßler, D., [...], Dammhahn, M. et al. (2024) Morphological variability or inter-observer bias? A methodological toolkit to improve data quality of multiresearcher datasets for the analysis of morphological variation. American Journal of Biological Anthropology 183: 60-78.



Hermanussen, M., Dammhahn, M., Scheffler, C. & Groth, D. (2023) Winner-loser effects improve social network efficiency among competitors with equal resource holding power. Scientific Reports 13: 14439.


Ferreira, C., Dammhahn, M. & Eccard, J.A. (2023) So many choices, so little time: food preference and movement vary with landscape of fear. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10330.


Berry, P., Dammhahn, M. & Blaum, N. (2023) Keeping cool on warm days: Activity responses of African antelope to heat extremes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1172303.


Reusch, C.*, Scheuerlein, A.*, Grosche, L., Meier, F., Gampe, J., Dammhahn, M., van Schaik, J. & Kerth, G. (2023) The risk faced by the early bat: individual plasticity and mortality costs of the timing of spring departure after hibernation. Oikos: e09654 (*shared first authorship).



Ferreira, C., Dammhahn, M. & Eccard, J.A. (2022) Landscapes of fear as an equalising mechanism for resource diversity. Ecology and Evolution 2: e9523.


Stiegler, J., Lins, A., Dammhahn, M., Eccard, J.A., Kramer-Schadt, S., Ortmann, S., Blaum, N. (2022) Personality drives activity and space use in a mammalian herbivore. Movement Ecology 10: 33.


Dammhahn, M., Lange, P. & Eccard, J.A. (2022) The landscape of fear has individual layers: an experimental test of among-individual differences in perceived predation risk during foraging. Oikos 2022: e09124.


Gharnit, E., Dammhahn, M., Garant, D. & Réale, D. (2022) Ecological and behavioural determinants of individual diet specialization. American Naturalist 200: 1-16.


Eccard, J.A., Herde, A., Schuster, A., Liesenjohann, T., Knopp, T., Heckel, G. & Dammhahn, M. (2022) Fitness, risk taking and spatial behaviour covary with animal personality in experimental vole populations. Ecology and Evolution 12: e8521.


Milles, A., Dammhahn, M., Schlägel, U., Jeltsch, F. & Grimm, V. (2022) Fluctuations in density-dependent selection drive the evolution of a pace-of-life-syndrome in populations. American Naturalist 199: E124-E139.


Eccard, J.A., Ferreira, C., Pereiro Arce, A. & Dammhahn, M. (2022) Top-down effects of foraging decisions on local, landscape and regional biodiversity of resources (DivGUD). Ecology Letters 25: 3-16.



Mazza, V., Czyperreck, I., Eccard, J.E. & Dammhahn, M. (2021) Cross-context responses to novelty in rural and urban small mammals. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 661971.



Eccard, J.A., Liesenjohann, T. & Dammhahn, M. (2020) Among-individual differences in foraging behavior modulate resource exploitation under perceived predation risk. Oecologia 194: 621-634.


Steinhoff, P. O. M., Warfen, B., Voigt, S., Uhl, G. & Dammhahn, M. (2020) Individual differences in risk-taking affect foraging across different landscapes of fear. Oikos 129: 1891-1902.

(with cover image)


Mazza, M.*, Dammhahn, M.*, Lösche, E. & Eccard, J.A. (2020) Small mammals in the big city: behavioural adjustments of non-comensal rodents to urban environments. Global Change Biology 26: 6326-6337. (*shared first authorship)


Dammhahn, M.*, Mazza, M.*, Schirmer, A., Göttsche, C. & Eccard, J.A. (2020) Of city and village mice: behavioural adjustments of striped-field mice to urban environments. Scientific Reports 10: 13056. (*shared first authorship)


Milles, A., Dammhahn, M. & Grimm, V. (2020) Intraspecific trait variation in personality-related movement behavior promotes coexistence. Oikos 129: 1441-1454.

(Editor's choice)


Schlägel, U., Grimm, V., Blaum, N., Colangeli, P., Dammhahn, M., Eccard, J.A., Hausmann, S., Herde, A., Hofer, H., Joshi, J., Kramer-Schadt, S., Litwin, M., Lozada Gobilard, S.D., Müller, M., Müller, T., Nathan, R., Petermann, J., Pirhofer-Walzl, K., Radchuk, V., Rillig, M., Roeleke, M., Schäfer, M., Scherer, C., Schiro, G., Scholz, C., Teckentrup, L., Tiedemann, R., Ullmann, W., Voigt, C., Weithoff, G. & Jeltsch, F. (2020) Movement-mediated community assembly and coexistence in the Anthropocene. Biological Reviews 95: 1073-1096.


Schirmer, A., Hoffmann J., Eccard, J.A. & Dammhahn, M. (2020) My niche: within species spatial niche specialisation affects within and between species interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287: 20192211.



Mazza, V., Dammhahn, M., Eccard, J.A., Palme, R., Zaccaroni, M. & Jacob, J. (2019) Coping with style: individual differences in responses to environmental variation. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73:142.


Mazza, V., Jacob, J., Dammhahn, M., Zaccaroni, M. & Eccard, J.A. (2019) Risky decisions: individual variation in cognitive style reflects foraging and anti-predatory decisions in a small mammal. Scientific Reports 9: 10157.


Schlägel, U., Signer, J., Herde, A., Eden, S., Jeltsch, F., Eccard, J.A. & Dammhahn, M. (2019) Estimating interactions between individuals from concurrent animal movements. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10: 1234-1245.


Schirmer, A., Herde, A., Eccard, J.A. & Dammhahn, M. (2019) Individuals in space: personality-dependent space use, movement and microhabitat use facilitate individual spatial niche specialisation. Oecologia 189: 647-660.



Montiglio, P.-O., Dammhahn, M., Dubuc-Messier, G. & Réale, D. (2018) The pace-of-life syndrome revisited: the role of ecological conditions and natural history on the slow-fast continuum. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 116.


Dammhahn, M., Dingemanse, J.N., Niemelä, P.T. & Réale, D. (2018) Pace-of-life syndromes: a framework for the adaptive integration of behaviour, physiology and life-history. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 62.


Lehmann, A., Eccard, J.A., Scheffler, C., Kurvers, R.H.J.M. & Dammhahn, M. (2018) Under pressure: human adolescents express a pace-of-life syndrome. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 57.


Mazza, V., Eccard, J.A., Zaccaroni, M., Jacob, J. & Dammhahn, M. (2018) The fast and the flexible: cognitive style drives individual variation in cognition in a small mammal. Animal Behaviour 137: 119-132.



Scheffler, C. & Dammhahn, M. (2017) Feminization of the fat distribution pattern of children and adolescents in a recent German population. American Journal of Human Biology 29: e23017.


Eccard, J.A., Dammhahn, M., & Ylönen, H. (2017) The Bruce effect revisited: is pregnancy termination in female rodents an adaptation to ensure breeding success in pairs in low density phases? Oecologia 185: 81-94.


Dammhahn, M., Randriamoria, T.M. & Goodman, S.M. (2017) Niche differentiation using stable isotopes between invasive non-native Rattus spp. in anthropogenic and natural habitats of central eastern Madagascar. BMC Ecology 17:16.


Dammhahn, M., Landry-Cuerrier, M., Réale, D., Garant, D. & Humphries, M.M. (2017) Individual variation in energy-saving heterothermy affects survival and reproductive success. Functional Ecology 31: 866–875.

[Summary in Outside JEB: Nowack, J. (2017) Torpor variation: Too much hibernation isn’t always good for you. Journal of Experimental Biology 220: 1167-1168.] 



Vuarin, P., Dammhahn, M., Kappeler, P.M. & P.Y. Henry (2015) When to initiate torpor use? Food availability times the transition to winter phenotype in a tropical heterotherm. Oecologia 179: 43–53.


Pechouskova, E., Dammhahn, M., Brameier, M., Fichtel, C., Kappeler, P.M. & Huchard, E. (2015) MHC class II variation in a rare and ecological specialist mouse lemur reveals lower allelic richness and contrasting selection patterns compared to a generalist and widespread sympatric congener. Immunogenetics 67:229-245.


Dammhahn, M., Rakotondramanana, C.F. & Goodman, S.M. (2015) Coexistence of morphologically similar bats (Family Vespertilionidae) on Madagascar: stable isotopes reveal fine-grained niche differentiation among cryptic species. Journal of Tropical Ecology 31:153-164.


Hämäläinen, A., Dammhahn, M., Aujard, F. & Kraus, C. (2015) Losing grip: Senescent decline in physical strength in a small-bodied primate in captivity and in the wild. Experimental Gerontology 61: 54-61.



Hämäläinen, A., Dammhahn, M., Eberle, M., Schliehe-Diecks, S., Perret, M., Aujard, F., Hardy, I., Kappeler, P.M. & Kraus, C. (2014) Senescence or selective disappearance? Age trajectories of body mass in wild and captive populations of a small-bodied primate. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281: 20140830.


Dittmann, M., Dammhahn, M., & Kappeler, P.M. (2014) The impact of selective logging on behavior and ecology of Aphaenogaster swammerdami (Formicidae): 20 years later – a happy ant? Malagasy Nature 8: 35-48.


Dammhahn, M., Goodman, S.M. (2014) Trophic niche differentiation and microhabitat utilization revealed by stable isotope analyses in a Malagasy dry forest bat community. Journal of Tropical Ecology 30: 9-109.


Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2014) Stable isotope analyses reveal dense trophic species packing and clear niche differentiation in a Malagasy primate community. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153: 249-259.


Dammhahn, M., Markolf, M., Lührs, M.-L., Thalmann, U. & Kappeler, P.M. (2014) The primates of the Forêt de Beanka (Melaky, Maintirano) in western Madagascar. Malagasy Nature, 7: 259-270.



Vuarin, P., Dammhahn, M., & Henry, P.-Y. (2013) Individual flexibility in energy saving: body size and condition constrain torpor use. Functional Ecology 27: 793-799.


Lührs, M.-L., Dammhahn, M., & Kappeler, P.M. (2013) Strength in numbers: males in a carnivore grow bigger when they associate and hunt cooperatively. Behavioural Ecology, 24: 21-28.

(Editors choice and with cover image)


Dammhahn, M., Soarimalala, V. & Goodman, S.M. (2013) Trophic niche differentiation and microhabitat utilization in a species-rich montane forest small mammal community of eastern Madagascar. Biotropica 45:111-118.


Dammhahn, M., & Kappeler, P.M. (2013) Seasonality and behavioral energy strategies of Microcebus berthae and M. murinus. In: “Leaping Ahead: Advances in Prosimian Biology” edited by Masters, J., Génin, F., Gamba, F., chapter 24, 215-223.



Dammhahn, M., & Almeling, L. (2012) Is risk taking during foraging a personality trait? A field test for cross-context consistency in boldness. Animal Behaviour, 84: 1131-1139.


Dammhahn, M. (2012) Are personality differences in a small iteroparous mammal maintained by a life-history trade-off? Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279: 2645-2651.



Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2010) Scramble or contest competition over food in solitary foraging mouse lemurs (Microcebus spp.): new insights from stable isotope analyses. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 141: 181-189. (chapter of my PhD)


Lührs, M.-L., & Dammhahn, M. (2010) An unusual case of cooperative hunting in a solitary carnivore. Journal of Ethology 28: 379-383.



Lührs, M-L., Dammhahn, M., Kappeler, P.M. & Fichtel, C. (2009) Spatial memory in grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). Animal Cognition 12: 599-609.


Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2009) Females go where the food is: does the socio-ecological model explain variation in social organisation of solitary foragers? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 939-952. (chapter of my PhD)



Dammhahn, M. (2008) Ecological determinants of social systems – comparative and experimental feeding ecology of two sympatric mouse lemur species (Microcebus berthae and M. murinus). Dissertation, University of Göttingen.


Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2008) Comparative feeding ecology of sympatric mouse lemurs (Microcebus berthae, M. murinus). International Journal of Primatology 29: 1567-1589. (chapter of my PhD)


Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2008) Small-scale coexistence of two mouse lemur species (Microcebus berthae and M. murinus) within a homogeneous competitive environment. Oecologia 157: 473-483. (chapter of my PhD)



Dammhahn, M. & Kappeler, P.M. (2005) Social system of Microcebus berthae, the world’s smallest primate. International Journal of Primatology 26: 407-436. (my Diploma thesis)



Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications


Dammhahn, M. & Pyritz, L.W. (2012) Relikte, Strandgut und Irrflieger - Ursachen und Besonderheiten der Biodiversität Madagaskars. In: Von Makis und Menschen. Madagaskar. Geschichte, Kultur und biologische Forschung im Land der Lemuren. Pyritz, L.W. (Ed.) Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 3-8.


Dammhahn, M. (2012) Book review: Anne M. Burrows & Leanne T. Nash: The evolution of exudativory in primates. International Journal of Primatology 33:282-283.


Benesch, A. Griefahn, B. & Dammhahn, M. (2010) Light: the pacemaker of life. In: Loss of the night: transdisciplinary research on light pollution. Hölker, F. & Tockner K. (Eds.) Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Berlin.


Dammhahn, M., Schäffler, L., Fichtel, C. & Kappeler, P.M. (2010) Rapid lemur survey in northern Menabe. Lemur News 14: 13-16.


Benesch, A. Griefahn, B. & Dammhahn, M. (2009) Licht: wenn der Taktgeber das Leben aus dem Rhythmus bringt. Zwischenruf Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz 1/2009, 12-17.


Dammhahn, M. & Schwibbe, M. (2007): Den Lemuren auf den Spuren. Afrika Post 2/2007, 60-63.


Dammhahn, M. (2003) Das Sozialsystem des kleinsten Primaten der Welt, Microcebus berthae. Diploma thesis, University of Tübingen.